Weight management needs to be done properly, say yes to positive lifestyle choices, but say no to yo-yo dieting. Read our blog to learn more about the latest diet trend and why it’s not reliable long-term!
The Danger of Weight Fluctuation
Despite growing acknowledgement to the issue, obesity rates continue to rise worldwide, with approximately 34% of adults dealing with obesity. When it comes to weight management, it’s important to note that it’s not easy. Living in a fast-paced society that expects maximum results in the fastest time possible, doesn’t always create healthy habits.
More recently the term yo-yo dieting, also known as “weight cycling”, has become more prevalent in weight management discussions. What this entails is fluctuating patterns of weight loss and weight gain, much like a yo-yo moving up and down. This form of dieting can lead to health concerns, such as:
- Higher risk for heart disease
- Increases in blood pressure
- More susceptible to risk of diabetes
- Weight gain resulting in fatty liver disease
- Sleep apnea and breathing problems
- Chronic body pain
- Rise in mental disorders such as, anxiety and depression
Short-term thinking doesn’t allow room for long-term changes. Shifting the mentality off of the word diet and thinking in terms of lifestyle is the most effective way to stabilize and maintain a healthy relationship with your weight.
Healthy Weight Loss – Slow & Steady Wins the Race
Are you aware that people who lose weight gradually are more successful in keeping that weight off long-term? Steady weight loss, meaning 1 to 2 pounds weekly, helps create an ongoing lifestyle that you can more easily adhere to. Remember, weight management is not solely dependent on food. A combination of purposeful eating and physical activity are what help you establish a well-rounded routine. Keep in mind, that maintaining your goal weight is facilitated through the habits you enforce. Meaning that, your ability to follow the routine you’ve set in place long-term is what will ultimately determine if you’re successful.
Five-Step-Guide to Begin your Weight Management Journey
- Make a Commitment – deciding to change your lifestyle is a big step and one that must be made with intention. Start by making a commitment to yourself, which looks different for everyone. For some, this means writing out a list of reasons that you want to lose the weight or even a written contract with themselves with certain dates to reach a goal(s).2.
- Keep Track of Where You Are – talk to your healthcare providers to evaluate the status of your health and ask for a follow-up appointment as your weight is subject to change. Also, assess your life for weak points! You may find yourself indulging in high sugar foods because you buy in bulk for your kids, or coworkers who frequently bring high-calorie foods to work. What can you change to avoid these situations?
- Set Realistic Goals – short-term goals that help to reward your efforts go a long way. Aim to focus on 2-3 goals at a time. Keep them specific, realistic, and most importantly forgiving because you aren’t perfect, and no one should expect you to be.
- Resources for Information and Support – the importance of support is invaluable when embarking on a weight loss journey. The process is hard on its own and doing so without support can make it less likely you’ll remain committed. Joining a weight loss group is an excellent way to remain motivated about this beneficial health journey you’ve embarked on.
- Check-In With Yourself – revisit your goals and re-evaluate your process routinely to ensure maximum success.
Your health management journey may require big changes, but it will be followed by big health benefits – invest in yourself!
Scales don’t have to be stressful! Here at Advanced Research for Health Improvement, we have a studies for weight management. Click here to learn more and to see if you may be eligible!
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